Kamelot - Epica (2003)

Kamelor - Epica

Genero: Symphonic Power Metal / Melodic Metal

País: Estados Unidos

Ano: 2003

1. Prologue
2. Center Of The Universe
3. Farewel
4. Interlude in Opiate Soul
5. The Edge of Paradise
6. Wander
7. Interludei I Omen
8. Descent of The Archangel
9. Interlud I I Iarthe Banquete
10. A Feast for The Vain
11. On The Coldest Winter Night
12. Lost & Damned
13. Helenas Theme
14. Interlud I´v Dawn
15. The Mourning After
16. III Ways to Epica
17. Snow(Bônus)
